Journal: Applied Soil Ecology
Special Issue Title: Microplastics in soil ecosystems
Submission Deadline: 30 June 2022
Special Issue Editors: Prof. Dr. Fayuan Wang, Dr. Weitao Liu, Dr. Dong Zhu
Plastic pollution has been recognized as one of the top 10 global environmental issues. One of the biggest problems of plastic waste is microplastics (MPs), which are defined as small plastic particles or fragments with size less than 5 mm. MPs are considered emerging contaminants that have a global occurrence. In recent years, attention to microplastic (MP) pollution in the environment has gradually shifted from the marine ecosystems to the soil ecosystems. Current evidence confirms that MPs can enter the soils via various pathways and cause direct and indirect adverse impacts, potentially threatening the function, stability, health and productivity of soil ecosystems. MPs can change soil physicochemical properties, and cause direct or indirect impacts on soil community. MPs can be ingested by soil animals, like earthworms and nematodes. MPs at nanoscale (i.e., nanoplastics) can enter plant roots and translocate to aerial parts, and thus possibly pose negative consequences for animal and human health through food chains. However, there are large knowledge gaps on MPs in soil ecosystems, including their ecological impacts, toxicity, accumulation, and interactions with soil organisms. Therefore, more efforts are needed to further understand the impacts of MPs in soil ecosystems.
This Special Issue is open to all aspects related to MPs in soil ecosystems, particularly their toxicity and ecological impacts on soil organisms. The studies on the interactions of MPs and other contaminants are also welcome.
All contributions should conform to the aims and scope of Applied Soil Ecology. The themes can include, but are not limited to:
The interactions of MPs with soil microbiota;
The interactions of MPs with soil fauna;
The impact of the above interactions on nutrient cycling and fertility of soil;
The impact of MPs on rhizosphere microbial ecology;
The impact of MPs on biological processes and ecosystem functions in soil;
The impact of MPs and soil health and sustainability;
The ecotoxicology of MPs in soil ecosystems.
Soil community
Soil microbiology
Microbial ecology
Soil fauna
Nutrient cycling
Soil pollution
Ecological impacts
Soil processes
Ecosystem functions
Submission Period: 1st November 2021 – 30th June 2022
Author Guidelines can be found at:
To submit your manuscript please go to Applied Soil Ecology (at and follow the procedures for manuscript submission. You can select our Special Issue ‘Microplastics in soil’.
Feel free to contact us if you would have any questions.
Best wishes,
Guest Editors:
Prof. Fayuan Wang, Ph.D
College of Environment and Safety Engineering, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, 266042, PR China
Dr. Weitao Liu
College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nankai University, Tianjin, 300350, PR China
Dr. Dong Zhu
State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, PR China
关于期刊Applied Soil Ecology
收录: SCIE (Web of Science), Scopus.
分区:中科院二区,JCR – Q2 (Soil Science, 11/37) / CiteScore (Soil Science, 18/135; Ecology, 38/400)
影响因子:Impact Factor: 4.046 (2020); Citescore (2020): 6.5