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作者: 来源: 编辑:王冰洁 发布日期:2022-03-31 点击:

姓名: 许光剑


年龄: 34

学历: 博士

职称: 特聘副教授

所属院系: 环境与安全工程学院

研究方向: 微生物生态,环境生物技术

联系方式: guangjianxu@126.com


2010年,于鲁东大学取得学士学位;2013年,于大连海洋大学取得硕士学位;2016,于中国海洋大学取得理学博士学位。2016-2020年在韩国极地研究所Eunjin Yang教授课题组从事博士后研究,研究方向为微生物监测及环境科学。迄今共发表/完成论文51篇,包括SCI源刊杂志Ecological Indicators》、《Marine Pollution Bulletin》、《Environmental Science and Pollution Research》及《Journal of Marine Biology Association of the United Kingdom》等54, 其中1SCI论文21篇,2SCI论文13篇,第一作者SCI论文累积影响因子105,全部论文累积影响因子201.


1. Xu G., Yang E.J., Jiang Y., Cho K.H., Jung J.Y., Lee Y.J., Kang S.H. Can pelagic ciliates indicate vertical variation in the water quality status of western Arctic pelagic ecosystems? Mar. Pollut. Bull. 2018, 133:182–190. (IF=4.407, 1)

2. Xu G., Zhong X., Abdullah Al M., A. Warren & Xu H. Identifying bioindicator across trait-taxon space for assessing water quality in marine environments. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 2018, 131:565–671. (IF=4.407, 1,)

3. Xu G., Yang E.J. & Xu H. Environmental drivers of heterogeneity in the trophic-functional structure of protozoan communities during an annual cycle in a coastal ecosystem. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 2017, 121:400–403. (IF=4.407, 1)

4. Xu G., Zhong X., Warren A., Xu H. A multivariate approach to analyzing functional redundancy of marine periphytic ciliates during the colonization process for bioassessment in coastal ecosystems. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 2017, 117:406-413. (IF=4.407, 1)

5. Xu G. & Xu H. An approach to analysis of functional redundancy in protozoan communities for bioassessment in marine ecosystems. Ecol. Indic. 2017, 77:41–47. (IF=4.968, 2)

