姓名: 刘磊
性别: 男
年龄: 32
学历: 博士
职称: 特聘副教授
所属院系: 环境与安全工程学院
研究方向: 阻燃高分子材料;聚合物纳米复合材料
联系方式: lei_liu0802@foxmail.com
2013年,于青岛科技大学取得学士学位;2015年,于青岛科技大学取得硕士学位;2018年,于同济大学取得工学博士学位。2019-2021年在澳大利亚南昆士兰大学宋平安教授课题组从事博士后研究,研究方向为聚合物纳米复合材料和先进功能材料。目前,授权国家发明专利2项,发表SCI论文28篇,其中包括Advanced Materials,Advanced Functional Materials,ACS Nano, Chemical Engineering Journal等国际著名期刊,影响因子大于10的论文11篇,总被引次数800余次,H指数18。近年来,为Composites Part-B,Composites Communications等国际学术期刊审阅稿件50余次。
1. Lei Liu, Menghe Zhu, Xiaodong Xu, Xin Li, Zhewen Ma, Zhen Jiang, Andrij Pich, Hao Wang, Pingan Song*. Dynamic nanoconfinement enabled highly stretchable and supratough polymeric materials with improved healability and biocompatibility. Advanced Materials. 2021, 202105829 (IF: 30.084, 中科院一区 top 期刊)
2. Lei Liu, Menghe Zhu, Zhewen Ma, Xiaodong Xu, Seyed Mohesen Seraji, Bin Yu, Ziqi Sun, Pingan Song*. A reactive copper-organophosphate-MXene heterostructure enabled antibacterial, self-extinguishing and mechanically robust polymer nanocomposites. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2021, 132712 (IF: 13.273, 中科院一区 top 期刊).
3. Lei Liu, Menghe Zhu, Yongqian Shi, Xiaodong Xu, Zhewen Ma, Bin Yu, Shenyuan Fu*, Guobo Huang, Hao Wang, Pingan Song*, Functionalizing MXene towards highly stretchable, ultratough, fatigue- and fire-resistant polymer nanocomposites. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 130338. (IF: 13.273, 中科院一区 top 期刊)
4. Lei Liu, Menghe Zhu, Zhewen Ma, Xiaodong Xu, Jinfeng Dai*, Youming Yu, Seyed Mohsen Seraji, Hao Wang, Pingan Song*. Small multiamine molecule enabled fire-retardant polymeric materials with enhanced strength, toughness, and self-healing properties. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 135645. (IF: 13.273, 中科院一区 top 期刊)
5. Lei Liu, Zhengzhou Wang*. Facile synthesis of a novel magnesium amino-tris- (methylenephosphonate)-reduced graphene oxide hybrid and its high performance in mechanical strength, thermal stability, smoke suppression and flame retardancy in phenolic foam. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 357, 89-99. (IF: 10.588,中科院一区 top 期刊)