代表性论文、论著: 学术杂志论文 1.Teiji Kitajima,Tetsuo Fuchino,Yukiyasu Shimada,Ling Yuanjin:Use Case Driven Development of a Risk Management Tool with Business Process Model for Chemical Plants,Computer Aided Chemical Engineering,30,912-916,2012 2.Yuan-Jin Ling,Koichi MAKI,Noritaka YUSA,Kenzo MIYA:Development of the Optimization Model for TBM Time Intervals in Maintenance Methods Combined TBM and CBM,Transactions of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan,Vol.6,No.3,2007,Japan 3.Kentaro TAKASE,Yuan-Jin Ling,Takahiko HIDA:Study on Probabilistic design of Nuclear reactor:LRFD Method and Application to Nuclear Reactor Piping design,Japan Society of Maintenology,Vol.4,No.4,2006,Japan 4.Yuan-Jin Ling,Kazuhiko Suzuki,Takehisa Kohda:A Mathematical Model of Independent Protection Layer,Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers,Vol.42,No.1,2006,Japan 5.Yuan-Jin Ling,Kazuhiko Suzuki,Takehisa Kohda:A Mathematical Model of Protective System with Self-Diagnosis,Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers,Vol.41,No.3,2005,Japan 6.Yuan-Jin Ling,Kazuhiko Suzuki,Takehisa Kohda:Optimal Risk-Based Inspection Policy for Safety Instrumentation System,Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers,Vol.40,No.3,2004,Japan 7.Yuan -Jin Ling,Takehisa Kohda,Kazuhiko Suzuki,Yukiyasu Shimada:Reliability and Safety of Safety Monitoring System Considering Intermittent and Complete Failure,Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers,Vol.39,No.2,2003,Japan 会议论文 1.Yukiyasu Shimada,Teiji Kitajima,Yuanjin Ling:Integrated risk management system based on IPL concept for chemical processes,USB Proceedings of 11th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference & The Annual European Safety and Reliability Conference 2012,PSAM11 & ESREL2012,20-Tu5-2. 2.Yuan-Jin Ling,Yukiyasu Shimada,Teiji Kitajima:Fault Tree Synthesis Based on HAZOP Log,Proceedings of the 76th SCEJ Annual Meeting,Tokyo,Japan( 2011) 3.Teiji Kitajima,Yukiyasu Shimada,Yuan-Jin Ling:An Engineering Support Platform Based on Process Safety Assessment,Proceedings of the 75th SCEJ Annual Meeting,Kagoshima,Japan( 2010) 4.Teiji Kitajima,Tetsuo Fuchino,Yukiyasu Shimada,Yuji Naka,Yuan-Jin Ling,Kensuke Iuchi,Koji Kawamura:A New Scheme for Management of Change Support Based on Hazop Log,20th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering,Computer Aided Process Engineering,Elsevier,Volume 28,pp. 163-168,Jun. 2010. 5.Yuan-Jin Ling,Noritaka YUSA,Koichi MAKI,Kenzo MIYA,Takahiko HIDA:Development of Risk-Informed Piping Optimal Design Method,Proceedings of the JSME Dynamics and Design Conference 2007,225,Hiroshima,Japan(2007) 6.Yuan-Jin Ling,Noritaka YUSA,Koichi MAKI,Akihiro TAGAWA:Evaluating Availability of Pipe Wall Thinning Monitoring by Monte Carlo Simulation Method,Proceedings of the 4th JSM Annual Conference,P27,Fukui,Japan(2007) 7.Yuan-Jin Ling,Noritaka YUSA,Koichi MAKI,Kenzo MIYA,Takashi SHIMIZU:Study on Best-Mix of CBM and TBM by Monte Carlo Simulation Method,Proceedings of the AESJ Fall Meeting,C14,Kita-kyushu,Japan(2007) 8.Yuan-Jin Ling,Kentaro TAKASE,Koichi MAKI:Study on Best-Mix of CBM and TBM Considering Effect of Spurious Diagnostics Using State Transition Model,Proceedings of the 3rd JSM Annual Conference,P19,Sendai,Japan(2006) 9.Yuan-Jin Ling,Kentaro TAKASE,Koichi MAKI,Takahiko HIDA:Study on Prediction of Thickness in Nuclear Reactor Piping and Estimation of Inspection Intervals by Applying Reliability-base Method,Proceedings of the 3rd JSM Annual Conference,P18,Sendai,Japan(2006) 10.Yuan-Jin Ling,Kentaro TAKASE,Koichi MAKI,Takahiko HIDA:Development of Calculation Code of LRFD method and Application to Nuclear Reactor Piping,Proceedings of the AESJ Fall Meeting,L16,Sapporo,Japan(2006) |