研究方向:电催化能源转化 、电催化降解污染物
2)山东省教育厅,基于掺杂和界面工程统筹调控的磷化物电极的构筑及其电解水性能研究,山东省青年基金,ZR2022QE098,2023-01 至 2025-12,15万元,在研,主持
3)山东省科学技术厅,缺陷辅助中空磷化物界面微环境的调控及其电解水性能的研究,2022年度山东省博士后创新项目三等奖,SDCX-ZG-202203075,2023-01 至今,3万元,在研,主持
1.Yunmei Du, Bin Li*, Guangrui Xu, Lei Wang**, Recent advances in interface engineering strategy for highly‐efficient electrocatalytic water splitting, InfoMat 2022: e12377. (IF=25.405)
2. Jie Liu‡, Jinhong Ren‡, Yunmei Du*, Xiao Chen, Mengmeng Wang, Yanru Liu, Lei Wang*, V-doping strategy induces the construction of the functionally complementary Ru2P/V-RuP4 heterostructures to achieve amperometric current density for HER, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2024, just accepted (IF=19.000)
3. Yilin Wang, Xiaoli Sun, Yunmei Du*, Shuangshuang Li, Mengmeng Wang, Yanru Liu, Lei Wang*, Quenching induces the co-introduction of O vacancies and N dopants in Co-RuO2 to promote ampere-level current density hydrogen production, Chem. Eng. J. 2024, 485, 149528. (IF=15.1)
4. Jinhong Ren, Yunmei Du*, Yilin Wang, Shigang Zhao, Bo Yang, Bin Lig*, Lei Wang, Modulating amorphous/crystalline heterogeneous interface in RuCoMoyOx grown on nickel foam to achieve efficient overall water splitting, Chem. Eng. J 2023, 469, 143993. (IF=16.744)
5. Mengmeng Wang, Yunmei Du*, Shuangshuang Li, Xiaoli Sun, Bin Li, Yuanxiang Gu, Lei Wang*, Developing energy-efficient N-doping technology to controllably construct N-Ru2P@Ru nanospheres for highly efficient hydrogen evolution at an ampere-level current density, Mater. Horiz. 2023, 10(12): 5712-5719. (IF=13.3)
6.Yunmei Du*, Lu Zhan, ShuangShuang Li, MengMeng Wang, Bin Li, Guizhong Zhou, Lei Wang*, The unique core-shell structure drives the richness and high utilization of Ru species to stimulate the HER performance exceeding Pt, Fuel, 2024,10.1016/j.fuel.2024.131250. (IF=12.2)
7.Mengmeng Wang, Yunmei Du*, Shuangshuang Li, Yuanxiang Gu, Lei Wang*, Ru dopants induced tensile strain in Ni2P for efficient urea-assisted water decomposition at an ampere-level current density, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024. (IF=11.9)
8.Yunmei Du, Mingjuan Zhang, Zuochao Wang, Yanru Liu*, Yongjun Liu, Yanling Geng, Lei Wang*, A self-templating method for metal–organic frameworks to construct multi-shelled bimetallic phosphide hollow microspheres as highly efficient electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction, J. Mater. Chem. A 2019, 7, 8602. (IF=11.9)
9.Yunmei Du, Hui Li, Wensi Wang, Huimin Zhao, Yanru Liu*, Shaoxiang Li, Lei Wang*, Rational Doping of P and W in Multi-Stage Catalysts to Trigger Pt-like Electrocatalytic Performances, J. Mater. Chem. A 2020, 8, 25165-25172. (IF=11.9)
10.Yilin Wang, Yunmei Du*, Ziqi Fu, Jinhong Ren, Yunlei Fu, Lei Wang*, Construction of Ru/FeCoP heterointerface to drive dual active site mechanism for efficient overall water splitting, J. Mater. Chem. A 2022,10(30), 16071-16079.(IF=11.9)
11. Shuangshuang Li, Yunmei Du*, Mengmeng Wang, Jie Liu, Bin Li, Yuanxiang Gu, Lei Wang*, Optimizing the reaction pathway of nitride electrode by co-doping strategy for boosting alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction kinetics, Sci. China Mater. 2023, 66(12): 4639-4649. (IF=8.9)
12. Jinhong Ren‡, Jie Liu‡, Yunmei Du*, Shuangshuang Li, Mengmeng Wang, Bin Li, Bo Yang, Lei Wang*, Yanru Liu. Trace ruthenium promoted dual-reconstruction of CoFeP@ C/NF for activating overall water splitting performance beyond precious-metals. Nano Research 2023, 16, 10810–10821. (IF=9.9)
13.Yilin Wang, Xiao Chen, Yunmei Du*, Shuangshuang Li, Mengmeng Wang, Yu Yang, and Lei Wang, Dense r-Ru/FeCoP heterointerfaces induced by a defect-assisted strategy for ultrastable alkaline overall water splitting, Nanoscale, 2024,16, 3474-3483.(IF=6.7)
14 Yunmei Du, Lu Zhan, Yanru Liu, Ruixin Chen, Yunlei Fu, Bin Li *, Lei Wang *, Morphology engineering induces the increase of FeP/CoP heterointerface density for efficient alkaline water splitting driven by the interfacial dual active sites, Mater. Chem. Front. 2023 7, 4573-4583. (IF=7.0)
15. Yunmei Du, Huiqi Qu, Yanru Liu*, Yi Han, Lei Wang*, Bin Dong, Bimetallic CoFeP hollow microspheres as highly efcient bifunctional electrocatalysts for overall water splitting in alkaline media, Appl. Surf. Sci. 2019, 465, 816-823.(IF=7.392)