代表性论文、论著: 1. Permeability changes during remediation of an aquifer affected by sea-water intrusion: A laboratory column study. Journal of Hydrology. 2009.376(3-4):557 - 566. 2. Detachment of colloids from a solid surface by a moving air–water interface. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2008.326(1): 143-150. 3. Laboratory Column Study on Particles Release in Remediation of Seawater Intrusion Region. Journal of Ocean University of China. 2015. Volume:14(6) Pages:1013-1018 4. Chemical Mechanism of Flocculation and Deposition of Clay Colloids in Coastal Aquifer. Journal of Ocean University of China. 2016.15(5): 847–852. 5. An integrated model for simulating and evaluating water resources sustainability at Laoshan region. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2014.675-677:880-885. 6. The modeled atmospheric and oceanic response to the South China Sea SST anomaly. Journal of Ocean University of China. 2016.15(5):741-750. 7. An Integrated Model for Simulating Water Resources Management at Regional Scale. Water Resources Management. 2015. 29(5):1607-1622. 8. 《基于未确知测度的核能安全风险评价》.核安全.2015. Vol.14(3):30-35. 9. 碳纳米球改性阳极的产电性能研究. 青岛科技大学学报(自然科学版).2016.37(5):517-522. 10.典型山区轻度营养型水库底泥氮磷释放规律.青岛科技大学学报(自然科学版).2018,39(01):65-72 11.萃取法处理含聚油泥及萃取剂回收研究[J].石油与天然气化工,2018,47(03):89-94. |