专业代码:0805Z1 学科门类:工学
Code of Specialty:0805Z1 Department of Discipline:engineering
一级学科:材料科学与工程 学分要求:24
First-grade Discipline:Material Science﹠Engineering Credit Setting:24
一、学科、专业简介(Disciplines Instruction)
Material Science & Engineering (MSE) is one of fast developing disciplinary fields and has a tight relation with national economy. In Qingdao University Science & Technology (QUST), MSE is the conventional, predominant, and characteristic first-class discipline. Polymer Materials & Engineering (PME) originates from the pioneer Rubber Engineering (RE) constructed in 1950. With the past sixty years, it has grown into one of important national bases for talent training, scientific research, and high-technology development in the distinct specialties of polymer materials, nano-materials, and material processing. PME is the earliest discipline of QUST and one of characteristic disciplines in the national level, focusing on polymer synthesis, modification, compounding, processing, computer simulation, computer-aided design, and so on. Thus far, PME has harvested a large number of outstanding achievements, established the characteristic research direction in rubber synthesis and processing, and trained many specialists for the rubber manufacturers and research institutes, thus enjoying a high professional status in the national and international RE field. The international conferences, such as International Rubber-Plastics Conference, International Polymer Thermal Analysis Technology Seminar, and China-Japan Joint Seminar on Tyre & Rubber Technology, organized by PME have been making a growing international influence. The research findings ofSynthesis & Application of High Trans-1,4-Polyisoprene,won the “2nd National Prize of Technology Invention in 2000” and has realized industrialization. Fabrication & Application of Nano-materials is another dominant research direction. Regardless of the short history, it develops very fast and has acquired many returns in the fields of nano-material fabrication, application, and fabrication equipments. A typical example is the research findings ofMethod for fabricating Metal Catalyst with High Melting Point(Professor Zuolin Cui, PI), which was honored with the “2nd National Prize of Technology Invention in 1997”. This is the earliest national prize in the nanotechnological field and has earned rather high international prestige in the corresponding field. Furthermore, Functional Polymeric Materials (FPM) , Biobased polymer materials and Opto-Electronic Information Materials (OEIM) are two important and newly developed 1st-class undergraduate disciplines. They have undertaken a series of national research projects and are increasingly enhancing the social influence.
Metal & Inorganic Nonmetal Nanomaterials (MINN) also has a long history in QUST. It owns a relatively stable research faculty. MINN has presided some research projects including National Important Science & Technology Project during the 8th Five-Year/9th Five-Year Plans, Important Project of National Natural Science Foundation, and provincial, ministry or Qingdao city level projects. MINN has already won the 3rd Prize of National Invention and provincial, ministry or Qingdao city level prizes. With many years’ build-up, MINN has progressively developed three professional directions on Surface Engineering Technology of Metal Materials, Fabrication & Characterization of Functional Nanomaterials, and Material Processing Technology, which involve surface treatment of metal materials, fabrication and characterization of functional nanomaterials, fabrication and properties of high-performance composites, equipment and technique of material processing, and corrosion and protection of metal materials.
Master degree program of MSE stems from the program of Materials Science established in 1988, which is the earliest one in QUST. Such program concerns mainly with the research on material design, fabrication, selection, processing, application, and other related area. This discipline contains three sub-disciplines, i.e. Material Science, Material Processing Engineering, and Material Chemistry & Physics; at the same time, it contains an independent sub-discipline, i.e.Safetyand EnvironmentfunctionalMaterials. Under MSE, there have one national engineering research center, one key laboratory (Ministry of Education), one engineering research center (Ministry of Education), one post-doctoral station, three Shandong provincial key labs, four Shandong provincial key disciplines, and four Shandong provincial or Qingdao city level engineering research centers. The establishment of these scientific research platforms has paved the way for further development of MSE. With a long-term construction, MSE currently possesses many advanced research instruments which will further enhance the scientific research and high-level talent training.
二、培养目标(Objectives of Training)
本专业旨在培养具有能独立从事“材料科学与工程”学科内的教学和科学研究的高级专门人才, 以适应建设有中国特色社会主义事业的需要;使人才具有“以德养身、以德服众、以德领才、以德润才”的思想品质;具有正确的价值观、世界观,成为对党和国家的有用之才。
The objectives of training is to cultivate the senior professionals who will adapt to China's socialist construction, love the motherland, support the Chinese Communist Party's leadership, obey discipline with good moral character and good health, with a dedication to scientific professionalism, rigorous research and innovation spirit, with faithfully professional ethic and hard working spirit with excellent moral, intellectual and physical development, devoting themselves to the modernization of the motherland, engaging in independent ability of teaching and research on materials science and engineering.
具体要求如下:The detailed requirements are as follows:
The trained scientific and technical researchers will have such abilities: master the discipline and a solid theoretical basis for a broad depth of expertise in the system; and have the ability to combining multi-disciplines such as chemistry - physics - biology - materials - mathematics - environment; master at least one foreign language, be proficient in reading academic literatures in foreign language, be capable of writing and communicating in international academic fields; be able to engage in scientific research independently and creatively, have the ability to preside over the larger scientific research and technological development projects, to explore projects or to solve the economic and social development problems.
三、学制及学习年限(Educational System and Length of Schooling)
全日制博士生的学制为3~4学年,可根据实际情况允许研究生提前或延期毕业,一般不超过5学年,课程学习不多于1年,论文工作不少于2年;硕博连读研究生的学习年限一般为5年。博士生课程学习实行学分制,应修满24学分, 其中修课课程不少于14学分,研究环节不少于10学分。
The Ph.D. student's academic year is 3 to 4 academic years, and can be postponed and graduated according to the actual situation. The length of schooling of part-time PhD study is generally no more than 5 years.The length of curriculum is less than 1 year. The length of thesis is no less than 2 years; the length of schooling of Master-Doctor combined program graduate students is 5 years normally.
四、研究方向 (Research Orientation)
序号 Num |
名 称 Name |
研究方向及特点 The Research Orientation and characteristic |
1 |
高分子新材料的分子设计及其可控制备技术 A new polymer materials, molecular design and controlled preparation techniques |
本研究方向的主要研究内容:橡塑新材料的合成化学与工艺学,重点是二烯烃配位聚合合成橡胶的制备、新技术开发和计算机模拟。其中既包括新型材料的创新性开发,也包括通用橡塑材料的技术进步和高性能化改造。例如合成工艺、聚合技术,聚合物分子设计与组装、结构与性能表征、化学与物理改性等等。 The main research content is as follows: synthetic chemistry and technique of new rubber/plastic materials, especially the preparation and new developing technique of synthetic rubber made from diene coordination polymerization, computer simulation. This includes not only innovative synthesis of new materials, but also technical improvements and high performance modification of general rubber/plastic materials, for example, synthetic technics, polymerization technics, polymer molecular design and assembly, structure and performance characterization, chemical and physical modification, and so on. |
2 |
高分子材料凝聚态结构与性能的控制和优化 Polymer structure and properties of condensed matter control and optimization |
高分子材料的结构、形态、性能及其在成型加工过程中的演变规律研究及计算机模拟。包括高分子材料的结晶、取向、共混、共聚、复合等凝聚态结构及演变规律;高分子液体流变性质的理论和实验研究;在橡塑材料力学性质(韧性、破坏、增韧、增强等)的分子运动依据;高分子液体非线性粘弹行为的本质(高分子流变学);橡塑材料加工过程中结构与性能演变及控制;高性能与功能材料的分子设计与制备;材料加工制备过程和材料的微观组织结构进行数值计算。 This research is about structure, morphology, performance and computer simulation of polymer materials and their evolution rule during molding process. The main points are as follows: crystallization, orientation, blending, copolymerization, compounding of polymer condensed matter as well as its evolution rule; theoretical and experimental study onrheological properties of liquid polymer; molecular motion of rubber/plastic materials at different mechanical states (toughness, destruction, toughening, reinforcing, etc.); essence of nonlinear viscoelastic behavior of liquid polymer(polymer rheology); evolution and controlling of rubber/plastic materials’ structure and performance during molding process and molecular design and preparation of functional materials with high performance,the numerical analysis of materials processing or manufacturing and materials microstructure by means of numerical methods. |
3 |
高分子工程材料与功能材料 Polymer engineering materials and functional materials |
研究工作涵盖了合成工艺与方法、结构表征、性能测试、应用研究、材料的复合与改性、生物医用材料等,突出了高分子物理和高分子化学、材料成型加工等基础学科的重要性。研究课题包括:生物材料的制备与应用;导电高分子材料的制备与性能研究;石墨烯、生物质纳米晶等新型功能材料的制备及应用;自由基立构选择性聚合、多官能化橡胶的制备等。 This research covers the synthesis process and method, structure characterization, performance test and application research, material compounding and modifying, biomaterials etc., highlighting the importance of polymer physics, polymer chemistry, material molding process and other basic subjects. Research topics are as follows: the preparation and application of biomaterial, electronic properties of conductive polymer, performance study of natural rubber filled with acetylene black and graphite, preparation and application of graphene and biobased functional materials, preparation of multi-functional rubber synthesized with isotatic selective free radical polymerization. |
4 |
橡塑材料先进成型加工工艺、技术与装备 Rubber materials advanced molding process technology and equipment |
本研究方向以探讨橡胶与塑料材料的成型加工新技术与装备为特色,着重研究高分子材料的成型设备、加工新理念、新方法、成型加工过程中材料结构与性能控制、橡塑制品材料设计与制品结构设计、相关的低成本技术和智能化技术、包装材料与技术等。其中代表性的工作有橡胶混炼和硫化新技术、高性能轮胎设计与制造技术基础、橡胶制品浇铸成型技术、现代橡胶配方设计系统、塑料材料的工程化技术、包装材料的使用安全与失效分析、缓冲抗振机理以及计算机在缓冲包装结构设计、制品制备和性能分析中的数值分析与模拟。 This research direction is characteristic of new molding process technique and equipment focusing on new ideas, structure and performance control, material design and structure design of rubber/plastic products, and the related low-cost technics and intelligent technics of tire products, etc. Here is the representative work: new technique for rubber mixing and vulcanization, design and manufacture of tires with high performance, rubber injection molding technique, design of modern rubber formula system and engineering technics for plastics materials,safety and failure analysis, mechanism of cushioning and vibration-proof of packaging materials, numerical analysis and computer simulation of cushion packaging structure design, the preparation and performance analysis of a product. |
5 |
纳米材料 nano-materials |
本研究方向包括纳米材料制备设备及制备方法,通过采用物理法(包括氢电弧等离子体法,蒸发法),化学法(包括溶胶-凝胶法,水热法,微乳液法等),机械法(球磨法,化学气相法等方法),制备纳米金属、纳米合金、纳米碳材料、纳米半导体氧化物,纳米高分子材料、纳米生物材料等,并系统研究其成分、结构及性能规律,研究其在新能源、军事、生物、电子、纺织、石化、化工等领域的应用。 This research orientation include equipment and preparing methods, mainly focuses on nanomaterials made of metals, alloys, carbon, semiconductor oxides, polymers, or biomaterials,etc., which are prepared by different ways including physical methods (hydrogen plasma arc process and evaporation method), chemical methods (sol-gel, hydrothermal and emulsion methods, mechanical grinding method and chemical vapor approach). The compositions, structures and properties of the nanomaterials are systematically studied to find out their applications in the field of new energy industry, arms industry, biology, electronic industry, textile industry and petrochemical industry. |
6 |
工程电介质材料 Engineering dielectric materials |
本研究方向包括电介质材料、结构、性能、表征及其应用:包括高分子基纳米复合材料的材料的电性能;电介质功能材料;电介质材料的破坏机理;复合绝缘结构介电性能的提高;介质放电特性与机理。 This study direction emphasizesstructures, properties, characterizations and applications of dielectric materials: Electrical property of polymer matrix nanocomposites; Functional dielectric materials; Failure mechanisms of dielectric materials; Improvement on dielectric properties of composite insulation structure; Discharge characteristics and mechanisms of dielectric materials. |
7 |
微纳光子材料、光子信息技术 Nano-micro photonic materials, photonic information technology |
研究方向有一到三维微纳结构的激光全息光刻微制作,手性超材料的制作研究、缺陷模光子晶体低阈值激光发射等。具体涉及感光原材料制备、光子晶体模板微制作、光子带隙、激射、旋光性、圆二色性等的光谱测量表征;在此基础上开展偏振器、圆偏器、光隔离器等方面的应用研究。该方向的研究将为人工光子材料在微纳集成光子器件方面的应用提供有效的实验技术途径。 Our research group are focusing our attention on the following areas, such as micro-fabrication, chiral meta-materials, defect-mode low threshold lasing, optical spectrum measurement etc. Moreover, we will further explore the applications of artificial optical materials on polarization controller, circular polarizer, optical isolator, and so on. We expect these studies may pave the way in micro-fabricating and integrated photonic devices at the technical level. |
8 |
能量储存与转换材料与器件 Energy storage and conversion materials and devices |
主要研究内容:新型太阳能电池、燃料电池和超级电容器材料的制备、器件组装及性能测试评价。主要包括TiO2、FexOy、石墨烯的合成改性以及复合材料制备、高效光敏染料、量子点的制备及表面修饰;固体氧化物燃料电池关键材料的纳米化制备,质子陶瓷膜燃料电池的制备及输出性能研究,直接醇类燃料电池阳极、阴极催化剂材料的制备、电化学性能测试及电池构型设计。 The main research contents are as follows: the synthesis of the new materials for solar cell, fuel cell, supercapacitor, and the assembly and performance evaluation of the fabricated devices, including the preparation and modification of TiO2, FexOy, and graphene, and the surface decoration; the fabrication and electrochemical performance of nanosized key materials of solid oxide fuel cells, the manufacture and output performance of proton ceramic membrane fuel cells, the preparation and electrochemical performance of the catalyst for anode and cathode of direction alcohol full cells. |
9 |
功能无机非金属材料 Functional Inorganic Nonmetal Materials |
研究具有电、磁、光、生物等特性且具有相互转换功能的一类材料。主要研究合成与制备、组成和结构、性能和使用效能之间的关系;新型功能陶瓷材料的设计与制备工艺探索,主要包括激光透明陶瓷、铁电、压电、磁性陶瓷材料粉体的制备、新型成型工艺和烧结方法的探索等。通过有效的控制制备的工艺过程,使其达到预定的结构,提高先进材料的性能和进一步发掘新的功能。 This research area focuses on the relationship between the synthesis and process, composition and microstructure, property and application of the electronic, photonic, ferrites and piezoelectric materials as well as biomedical materials. The powder preparation, new shaping methods, phase distribution as well as microstructre within transparent laser ceramic, ferrites and piezoelectric ceramics, bioceramics are developed during sintering and fabrication techniques used for shaping ceramics are described here. The aim of these techniques is to produce microstructure suitable for particular application or find new properties. |
10 |
安全与环境功能材料 Safetyand Environment functionMaterials |
主要开展污染控制与生态环境材料、新能源与材料、防火安全材料、环保与安全功能涂层材料、再生高分子材料等的研制与开发。 The main researches focus on the preparation and development for pollution control and ecological environment materials, new energy and materials, fire safety materials,safetyand environmentfunctioncoating materials,and regeneration of polymeric materials. |
五、课程设置(Course Setting)
(School curriculum for doctoral students in secondary discipline of safety and environmental functional materials)
课程 类别 Course Type |
课程 编号 Course NO |
课程名称 Course Name |
课堂 学时 Class Hour |
学分 Credit |
开课 学期 Semester Classes |
教学 方式 Teaching Method |
考核 方式 Assessing Method |
开课 单位 Department Offering Teaching |
备 注 Remarks |
学位课Degree Course |
公共课Public course |
G000044 |
中国马克思主义与当代China Marxism andContemporary |
36 |
2 |
I |
A |
A |
马克思主义 学院 |
必修Obligatory Curse |
G000045 |
高级英语(博) Advanced English(Dr.) |
64 |
2 |
I |
A |
A |
外国语学院 |
必修Obligatory Curse |
G000028 |
泛函分析 FunctionalAnalysis |
32 |
2 |
I |
A |
A |
数理学院 |
必修Obligatory Curse |
专业基础课 Specialized course |
D020009 |
材料科学导论 Introduction to Materials Science |
32 |
2 |
I |
A |
C |
材料学院 |
必修Obligatory Curse |
D060008 |
材料科学与工程进展 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering |
32 |
2 |
I |
A |
C |
材料学院 |
必修Obligatory Curse |
D020008/ D030008/ D060021 |
专题研讨 Special Topic |
32 |
2 |
I |
A |
C |
高分子学院机电学院 材料学院 |
必修Obligatory Curse |
专业选修课Specialized course |
D020021 |
高分子科学与工程进展Advances in Polymer Science and Engineering |
32 |
2 |
I |
0.7A+0.3B |
C |
高分子学院 |
选修 Selective Curse |
G000050 |
分形理论及其应用Fractal Theory and its Applications |
32 |
2 |
II |
A |
A |
数理学院 |
选修 Selective Curse |
D020022 |
材料研究方法 Materials research methods |
32 |
2 |
I |
A |
C |
高分子学院 |
选修 Selective Curse |
D060009 |
材料分析与表征 Material Analysis and Characterization |
32 |
2 |
I |
A |
C |
材料学院 |
选修 Selective Curse |
D060019/ D036010 |
纳米材料的最新 研究进展 Recent progress in nano-materials |
32 |
2 |
I |
A 0.3A+0.7B |
C |
材料学院 机电学院 |
选修 Selective Curse |
D060010 |
材料的结构与性能 Structure and Properties of Materials |
32 |
2 |
I |
A |
C |
材料学院 |
选修 Selective Curse |
D060012 |
电介质材料应用与进展 Application and Advance in Dielectric Materials |
32 |
2 |
I |
A |
C |
材料学院 |
选修 Selective Curse |
D060013 |
能量储存与转换材料 Energy Storage and Conversion of Materials |
32 |
2 |
I |
A |
C |
材料学院 |
选修 Selective Curse |
D060020 |
催化新材料进展 Progress in New catalytic materials |
32 |
2 |
I |
A |
C |
材料学院 |
选修 Selective Curse |
D036020 |
功能纳米材料的 研究进展 Research progress in the functional nanomaterials |
32 |
2 |
I |
0.3A+0.7B |
C |
机电学院 |
选修 Selective Curse |
D036030 |
材料表面与界面 Material Surface and interface |
32 |
2 |
Ⅱ |
0.3A+0.7B |
C |
机电学院 |
选修 Selective Curse |
D036040 |
材料加工理论与 数值模拟 Theory and numerical simulation of material processing |
32 |
2 |
Ⅱ |
0.3A+0.7B |
C |
机电学院 |
选修 Selective Curse |
D036050 |
材料科学与工程 Materials Science and Engineering |
32 |
2 |
I |
0.3A+0.7B |
C |
机电学院 |
选修 Selective Curse |
D010010 |
安全与环境功能材料 Safety and Environment functional Materials |
32 |
2 |
I |
B |
C |
环境学院 |
选修 Selective Curse |
第二外国语 The second foreign language |
64 |
2 |
1 |
A |
A |
外国语学院 |
选修 Selective Curse |
D020002 D030002 D060002 D010002 |
开题报告 Thesis Proposal |
1 |
Ⅲ |
D020003 D030003 D060003 D010003 |
学术报告 Academic Lectures |
1 |
Ⅰ—Ⅲ |
D020005 D030005 D060005 D010005 |
中期考核 Medium-term Assessment |
1 |
Ⅲ—Ⅳ |
D020007 D030007 D060007 D010007 |
学位论文 Degree Thesis |
7 |
注 1.教学方式代码:A—课堂讲授,B—学术研讨,C—专题报告,D—实践,E—其他;例:0.7A+0.3B Notes1. Teaching method codes: A—lecturing in class B—Academic discussion, C—subjective report, D—practice,E—others; e.g.: 0.7A+0.3B |
注2.Note2.考核方式代码:A—闭卷笔试,B—开卷笔试,C—课程论文,D—平时作业,E—口试,F—其他; 例:0.8A+0.2D;Assessment method code:A- closed book written examination,B- open-book written,C- course work,D- normal operation,E- oral,F- Other; Example:0.8A +0.2D; |
六、课程教学(Course Teaching)
Graduate curricula adopt credit system. The courses are divided into two kinds: degree courses and non-degree courses. Each major should actively create conditions to teach at least one course in foreign language.
Each graduate student should achieve minimum required credits during the study period. After that they could be permit to enter the mid-term assessment.
The graduate students should be as the main body in the graduate courses teaching process. Graduate students should fully exert their initiative and self-consciousness. It is encouraged to use heuristics, seminar-style and participatory teaching methods.
There are two types of tests: Examination and test sub-course examination. The public degree courses are all be closed-book exam except doctoral politics course.
The exam for basic degree courses, degree specialized courses could use the combination of closed-book exam, open-book exam and check exam.
必修环节:开题报告(1学分)。Compulsory course: Thesis Proposal (1 credit).
参加学术讲座1学分。Attending the academic seminars gets 1 credit.
Academic seminars can be the following forms: the college offers a doctoral student academic lecture courses; domestic and foreign scholars come to deliver an academic lecture or academic report..
Listening to academic lectures should not be less than 3 times. Following each lecture, not less than 4,000-word reports about the lectures should be submitted. The styles of writing is summarization,or an academic discussion about the topic of seminar.
Practice part (1 credit): Many forms can be adopted, including: teaching practice (curriculum counseling, Counseling), research and practice (guidance curriculum design or thesis, etc.), professional training, literature reading, participate in projects and other forms of practice. The practice should be arranged by supervisor (Department or Research).Supervisor (Construction Group) will assess them on their effectiveness, write reviews and give them the score. This course is compulsory and gets1 credit.
七、论文的要求(Dissertation Requirements)
Dissertation work is a most important part for graduate students training. It is a comprehensive training for graduate students to undertake scientific research or technical work full training. It is a main part for the graduate students to identify problems, analyze problems and solve problems using their integrated knowledge. It is the embodiment of innovation capacity for the graduate students.
The study topics should be very important issues to China's economic and social development, or the frontier, important issues to scientific research. The dissertation should particular emphasis the innovation and science.
学院院长: 研究生处处长: 主管副校长:
Dean of School Director of Postgraduate Office Vice President