

导师姓名 :贾小平

性别 :男

职称 :教授

学历(学位) :研究生( 博士)

所属院系 :环境与安全工程学院

导师类别 :博士/硕士研究生

行政职务 :无

招生专业 :环境科学与工程,资源与环境,安全与环境功能材料

研究方向 :面向双碳目标的过程/环境系统工程;产品和过程系统的可持续性评估;区域生态工业/循环经济系统集成与规划;环境风险评估与管理

联系方式 jiaxp@qust.edu.cn

l 个人简历

毕业于华南理工大学化工学院获化学工程博士学位,先后在清华大学环境学院和台湾大学化工系从事博士后研究工作。围绕环境系统工程和过程系统工程等领域开展研究,旨在为过程工业和区域产业生态化、低碳化建设提供技术与决策支撑。承担和参与国家、省部委等一系列科研项目20余项。发表学术论文 120余篇。主编和参编(译)论著6部。

l 在研项目:

国家自然科学基金面上项目: 基于物质代谢的区域生物天然气供应链系统集成方法及资源环境效应研究,522701842023.01-2026.12

国家重点研发计划战略性科技创新国际合作专项:一带一路沿线典型重污染行业清洁生产技术比较与应用联合研究,2020YFE0201400 2020.6-2024.06

l 部分论著:

[1] Zhou TMZ, Li ZW, Jia XP, Aviso KB, Tan RR, Jia XX, Wang F. Integrated decision-making approach for sectoral low-carbon technology solutions. Journal of Cleaner Production 2024, 441, 141442

[2] Zhang YM , Wang CX, Dou JH, Li ZW, Zhang PD , Tan RR, Wang F,  Jia XP, Vulnerability optimization for determining water restoration strategies in industrial park water networks, Resources Conservation and Recycling 2024, 204, 107473

[3] Zhang YM, Li ZW, Aviso KB, Tan RR, Wang F, Jia XP. Multi-period optimization for CO2 sequestration potential of enhanced weathering using non-hazardous industrial wastes, Resources Conservation and Recycling 2023, 189,106766.

[4] Jia XP, Xu TS, Zhang YM, Li ZW, Aviso KB, Tan RR, Wang F. An improved multi-period algebraic targeting approach to low carbon energy planning, Energy 2023, 268, 126627.

[5] Jia XP, Zhang YM, Tan RR, Li ZW, Wang SQ, Wang F, Fang K. Multi-objective energy planning for China's dual carbon goals. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2022, 34, 552-564

[6] Bi RS, Yang HX, Yan KJ, Hou ZT, Chen HF, Jia XP. Synthesis of sustainable production chains for phosgene-related byproducts. Journal of Cleaner Production 2022, 374, 13979

[7] Qiao YL, Yu Zhang, Shaochun Xu, Shidong Yue, Xiaomei Zhang, Mingjie Liu, Lingling Sun, Xiaoping Jia, Yi Zhou. Multi-leveled insights into the response of the eelgrass Zostera marina L to Cu than Cd exposure. Science of the Total Environment 2022, 845, 157057.

[8] Jia XP, Zhang YM, Wang F, Li ZW, Aviso KB, Foo DCY, Puru P, Tan RR, Wang F. Regional carbon drawdown with enhanced weathering of non-hazardous industrial wastes. Resources Conservation and Recycling 2022, 176,105910

[9] Zhang YM, Li ZW, Aviso KB, Jia XX, Zhang PD, Tan RR, Klemeš JJ, Wang F, Jia XP. Industrial water network vulnerability analysis using dynamic inoperability input-output model, Journal of Environmental Management 2022, 314, 115015

[10] Jia XX, K Shahzad, JJ Klemeš, XP Jia. Changes in water use and wastewater generation influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic: A case study of China, Journal of Environmental Management 2022, 314, 115024

[11] 贾小平,石磊,杨友麒,工业园区生态化的挑战与过程系统工程的机遇,化工学报,2021, 72(5): 2373-2391.

[12] Wang JJ, Guo Q, Wang F, Aviso KB, Tan RR, Jia XP. System dynamics simulation for park-wide environmental pollution liability insurance, Resources Conservation and Recycling 2021, 170, 105578

[13] Wang FM, Li ZW, Zhang ZT, Wang F, Tan RR, Ren JZ, Jia XP. Integrated Graphical Approach for Selecting Industrial Water Conservation Projects, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 287. 125503

[14] Wang F, Wang JJ, Ren JZ, Li ZW, Nie XP, Tan RR, Jia XP. Continuous improvement strategies for environmental risk mitigation in chemical plants. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2020, 160, 104885

[15] Zhang LX, Li ZW, Jia XP, Tan RR, Wang F. Targeting Carbon Emissions Mitigation in the Transport Sector - A case study in Urumqi, China. Journal of Cleaner Production 2020, 259, 120811

[16] Yang Y, Liu HH, Guo Q, Jia XP, Environmental pollution liability insurance to promote environmental risk management in chemical industrial parks. Resources, Conservation & Recycling 2020, 152, 104511

[17] 贾小平,李智伟,王芳. 译著《过程集成方法与技术:资源的有效利用》. 北京: 化学工业出版社,2016 [Dominic Foo, Process Integration for Resource Conservation, CRC Press, 2012]

[18] 项曙光,贾小平,夏力. 译著 《夹点技术与过程集成》.北京: 化学工业出版社,2009 [Ian C. Kemp. Pinch Analysis and Process Integration:A User Guide on Process Integration for the Efficient Use of Energy, 2nd Edition, Elsevier, 2006]

[19] 张天柱,石磊,贾小平.《清洁生产导论》(普通高等教育十五国家级规划教材), 北京: 高等教育出版社,  2006

[20] [Book Chapter] Jia Xiaoping, Li Zhiwei, Wang Fang, 2020, Applications of Carbon Emission Pinch Analysis in China for Biomass Supply Chain and Municipal Solid Waste System. In: Dominic C. Y. Foo, Raymond R. Tan. Process Integration Approaches to Planning Carbon Management Networks, 1st Edition, CRC Press

l 学术/社会兼职:








Springer Nature期刊:Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability 编委

Elsevier期刊:Resource Conservation & Recycling 客座编辑